It is always with a heavy heart that I say goodbye to summer, and today is officially its final day. Despite some very uncomfortable days as we experienced our hottest summer on record here in Brisbane, this year is no exception.
My busy schedule has given me little time to bring the garden back to its 'glory' days, but there have been brilliant performances from some of my old faithfuls over the season, who have prevailed in the most adverse of conditions - neglect, extreme heat and minimal water.
First and foremost leading into the warmer weather were the daylilies.
'Francois Verhaert' |
'Fetish' |
Spacecoast Seashell |
'Royal Rego' |
'Isis Unveiled' |
'Russian Ragtime' |
I fell in love with my one and only rose 'Eyes for You' - a gift from my neighbour. The beautiful 'eye' changes to a soft purple as it ages.
The most resilient of all the plants in my garden are undoubtedly the bromeliads. Although I have spent little time in the garden, I have confidently continued to add to my collection, knowing that they keep on keeping on, regardless of the conditions. These are a few favourites...
And here are some of the new additions from the end of last year.
Neo 'Coolum Lime' |
All lined up. |
But I had more fun over the weekend.
They're not all mine! I had a partner in crime, but here are some of the latest acquisitions.
Neoregelia |
Nidularium |
Saundersii x sucrei |
Vriesea Margarita |
The fun part is balancing your collection to include a range of beautiful foliage, usually the neoregelias, and the spectacular flowers, like guzmanias, and the different sizes (I have a few new mini neoregelias too). Once again, I seem to have a bit of a pink theme happening.
So that is a quick look at the summer that was in the garden here at Casa Bella. And probably nothing says summer colour quite like the poinciana in my front yard, here with one of the local butcherbirds whose song wakes me most mornings. If you click on this
pied butcherbird song recording, you will understand just how lucky I am.